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Removals from England to Poland | Residence permits

Przeprowadzka z Anglii do Polski | Zezwolenia na pobyt

Moving from England to Poland can be a significant life change, especially after Brexit, which introduced new regulations on the movement of people between the UK and European Union countries. If you are a citizen of the UK and are considering moving to Poland, a key issue you will need to deal with is obtaining the appropriate residence permit.

Types of residence permits

Residence permits fall into several categories, depending on the purpose of the stay, including:

  • temporary residence permit – intended for people who plan to stay in Poland for more than 3 months within a 6-month period, but less than 3 years. Temporary residence permit – intended for people who plan to stay in Poland for more than 3 months within a 6-month period, but less than 3 years. Ideal for people coming to work, study and for entrepreneurs;
  • permanent residence permit – obtainable after an uninterrupted stay in Poland for a minimum of 5 years on the basis of a temporary residence permit or a minimum of 5 years on the basis of a temporary residence permit;
  • EU long-term resident’s residence permit – available after 5 years of continuous residence in Poland.- EU long-term resident’s residence permit – available after 5 years of continuous residence in Poland.

How to apply for a removal permit?

The application process may vary depending on the type of licence, but the general steps are as follows:

  • submission of the application – the application for a residence permit must be submitted in person to the nearest Provincial Office before the expiry of the visa or other residence permits;
  • documents – the application should be accompanied by photographs, copies of identity documents, proof of financial means, health insurance and, as the case may be, documents confirming the purpose of the stay (e.g. employment contract, university certificate, company registration documents).

Brexit and its impact

After brexit, UK citizens no longer enjoy the rights they had as EU citizens. This means that in order to work, study or run a business in Poland, the appropriate residence and work permits are needed, just as for non-EU citizens.

Important deadlines for removal

It is advisable to start the application process as early as possible, preferably a few months before the planned move. The length of time it takes to process an application can vary, but it usually takes between a few weeks and a few months.

Assistance in the removal process

For many people, especially those who are dealing with the Polish legal system for the first time, the process of applying for a residence permit may seem complicated. In such a case, it is worth taking advantage of legal assistance. Migration law specialists can help you prepare your documentation and ensure that all requirements are met.

Understanding the different types of residence permits

In Poland, as in other EU countries, different purposes of residence require different types of permits. Here is a detailed overview of the most common ones:

  • temporary residence permit for the purpose of work: British citizens who have received a job offer in Poland must apply for a temporary residence permit. In order to do so, an employer in Poland must first obtain for the employee a so-called declaration of entrustment of work to a foreigner. This permit is usually issued for the duration of the employment contract, but no longer than 3 years;
  • temporary residence permit for students: students who wish to study in Poland may apply for a temporary residence permit that will be valid for the duration of their studies. A certificate of admission to a university in Poland is required;
  • Temporary residence permit for entrepreneurs: persons who wish to carry out business activities in Poland may apply for a temporary residence permit on the basis of the establishment or operation of a business. Documentation confirming the establishment of the business and a business plan must be provided.

How to prepare for the application process?

  • gather all the necessary documents: Make sure you have all the necessary documents, such as a valid passport, financial evidence, documents confirming the purpose of your stay (e.g. employment contract, university certificate, company documents), up-to-date photos and a completed application form. A detailed list of the required documents is available on the website of the Provincial Office;
  • translation of documents: all non-Polish language documents must be translated by a sworn translator;
  • health insurance: do not forget to arrange health insurance, which is required for most residence permit applications;
  • visit to the Provincial Office: applying in person at the Provincial Office is the final step. Check the opening hours and whether it is possible to make an appointment, which can significantly reduce the waiting time.

What next after authorisation?

Once you have obtained your residence permit, you will be able to live and work legally in Poland. However, it is important to remember to renew your permit before it expires if you plan to stay longer.

Potential challenges and how to prepare for the move?

Moving to another country can involve various cultural and administrative challenges. It is advisable to familiarise yourself with Polish culture, the basics of the Polish language and the intricacies of everyday life to make the adaptation process easier. With the right preparation and understanding of the requirements, the move and the process of applying for a residence permit in Poland can go smoothly, opening up new opportunities and experiences in the heart of Europe.