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Planning the move | Things to do before, during and after the move

| Anna |

Proper preparation for the move and good planning will make the whole process go smoothly. A pre-prepared checklist can be the key to success so that nothing is overlooked and unnecessary stress is avoided. Below you will find a guide with a list of tasks you should do before, during and after your move.

Before the move

  • Set a date for the move

Choose a date that is most convenient for you. Book a day off work so that you can concentrate fully on the move.

  • Hire a removal company or arrange transport

If you plan to use a removal company, it is a good idea to do this in advance. If, on the other hand, you intend to carry out the move yourself, organise a suitable vehicle – such as a van.

  • Organise packaging materials

Stock up on cardboard boxes, adhesive tape, bubble wrap, markers and labels. Being well-prepared will help secure your items and make the whole process more efficient.

  • Sort things out and make a selection

This is a good time to review all the items you own. Consider which ones you really need and which ones can be given away, sold or thrown away.

  • Pack items that are rarely used to begin with

Start by packing items you don’t use every day – such as seasonal clothes, books or decorations. Label the boxes by content and room.

  • Familiarise yourself with the new location

It is a good idea to get to know your new neighbourhood beforehand. Check out the local shops, public transport stops, schools or clinics. This will help you avoid unpleasant surprises once you have moved in.

  • Plan changes to utility and service contracts

Contact your electricity, water, gas, internet and TV suppliers to transfer contracts or order new services. You will avoid any interruption to your utilities and guarantee your comfort from day one in your new home.

  • Assemble the necessary packaging tools

In addition to cardboard boxes and bubble wrap, scissors, tape cutters, vacuum bags for clothes or stretch to secure furniture can be useful. It’s worth having a measuring tape on hand to make sure your furniture will fit in your new home.

  • Set up a packing plan by room

Determine the order in which you will pack each room. It is a good idea to start with those rooms whose items are least used (e.g. bedroom, attic, pantry) and end with the kitchen and bathroom.

  • Organise storage space for boxes

As you pack boxes, you may start to run out of space in your flat. Dedicate one room or area to store your packed belongings so that they don’t get in the way of your daily life.

During the move

  • Ensure the safety of your belongings

Check that all items are properly protected against damage. Cartons should be securely sealed and fragile items should be protected with bubble wrap or paper.

  • Appropriate stowage of items in the vehicle

Remember to stack the heaviest items on the bottom of the vehicle and the lighter items on top. Make sure that nothing moves during transport.

  • Organise help with unloading

Before you arrive at your new location, make sure that someone will be able to help you unload your belongings. This will make the whole process go more smoothly.

  • Keep documents and valuables with you

Keep all important documents, jewellery or other valuables with you at all times so they don’t get lost in the chaos of the move.

  • Secure furniture and household appliances/RTVs

It is worth investing in special protective covers or mats to protect furniture from scratches and damage. Household appliances or electronics, such as a fridge, washing machine or TV, should be properly wrapped in plastic and placed in the correct position during transport.

  • Check building removal regulations

If you are moving to a flat in a block of flats or a flat block, make sure there are no restrictions on your move, such as designated hours or the use of a goods lift.

  • Mark priority boxes

Stick “PRIORITY” labels on the boxes with the most important things you will need on your first day – such as cleaning products, toiletries, bedding or crockery. This way you can quickly find them among the other parcels.

  • Maintain contact with the removal company

While your belongings are being transported, it is a good idea to keep in touch with the driver or the removal company’s staff to keep you informed about the route, any difficulties on the road or arrival times.

After the move

  • Unpack in an organised manner

Start unpacking with the most necessary items – such as bedding, towels or kitchen accessories. Unpack items by room to avoid clutter.

  • Check the condition of the transported goods

Make sure that nothing has been damaged in transit. If you have used a removal company, report any damage if necessary.

  • Update your residential address

Report the change of address to the relevant authorities, inform your bank, mobile network operators or utility companies.

  • Get to know your new neighbourhood

Take a moment to get to know the area – check out where the shops, pharmacies, transport stops or medical facilities are. This will help you feel at home more quickly in your new place.

  • Plan the furnishing of your new home

Once you have moved, find time to decorate and customise your space. This is the perfect opportunity to give your new place a special touch.

  • Check the condition of the flat before bringing things in

Make sure that everything is ready in the new place – for example, that the flat has been thoroughly cleaned and that there are no damages that need to be reported to the landlord. Also take photos of the initial condition, especially if you are renting the property.

  • Plan the arrangement of the space

Create a plan to set up your furniture and appliances in your new flat. This way, you’ll avoid rearranging later and make unpacking easier. You can also use an interior design app to better plan the positioning of individual items.

  • Ensure the safety of the new site

Replace door locks, install an alarm or check the operation of the intercom. Also keep children and pets out of potentially dangerous areas – such as stairs, windows and sharp tools.

  • Go through the contents of the boxes and sort things out

When unpacking, try to segregate items straight away – deciding what will be permanent in place and what is still worth moving or storing. This will avoid unnecessary clutter.

  • Personalisation of the new venue

Add personal touches that make you feel at home in your new flat. Plants, photos, decorations – these are what create the atmosphere and add warmth to your new place.

  • Additional tips to make your move easier

Prepare a ‘moving essential’ – a bag or suitcase with the essentials you will need on your first night, e.g. change of clothes, toiletries, documents, phone charger.

  • Inform your neighbours about the move

Especially if you plan to move in the early morning or late evening. A small gesture, such as warning about noise, can help build good relationships in your new neighbourhood.

  • Don’t forget the animals

If you have a pet, make sure he has a quiet place during the move, away from the noise. Also remember all his accessories, such as food, litter tray and bed.

Organising international removals

Good organisation is essential for a successful move. Preparing a list of tasks will allow you to deal with all your responsibilities smoothly and settle into your new place quickly. Remember to implement all the points step by step and the process will definitely become easier and less stressful!