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Removals from England to Poland

Removals from England to Poland

At Kanguro we are the experts for removals, man&van to any city or village in Poland. Most popular destinations are Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Katowice plus all small cities in whole Poland. We offer part load service 6 days a week from Monday to Saturday, guaranteed delivery within 2-3 days door to door!

family having fun while removal
Removals from England to Polandwitamy w Polsce!

Returning to Poland is supposed to be a pleasure – that is why a successful move is worth to be commissioned by Poznan’s Kanguro.With us you can order a private move, but also transfer your home or the whole company to Poland.

country flags on the map
We do itall over Europe

Our headquarters are in the very center of the Europe (London, Great Britain) but specialised kanguro vans drive throughout Europe.We often move customers’ goods all over Europe, to move them back in a few years.

Children playing in the living room with their parents during the move
Removals from England to Polandwitamy w Polsce!

Returning to Poland is supposed to be a pleasure – that is why a successful move is worth to be commissioned by Poznan’s Kanguro.With us you can order a private move, but also transfer your home or the whole company to Poland.

Two children playing with an empty cardboard box while moving

Removals from England to Poland

At Kanguro we are the experts for removals, man&van to any city or village in Poland. Most popular destinations are Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Katowice plus all small cities in whole Poland. We offer part load service 6 days a week from Monday to Saturday, guaranteed delivery within 2-3 days door to door!

family having fun while removal
Removals from England to Polandwitamy w Polsce!

Returning to Poland is supposed to be a pleasure – that is why a successful move is worth to be commissioned by Poznan’s Kanguro.With us you can order a private move, but also transfer your home or the whole company to Poland.

country flags on the map
We do itall over Europe

Our headquarters are in the very center of the Europe (London, Great Britain) but specialised kanguro vans drive throughout Europe.We often move customers’ goods all over Europe, to move them back in a few years.

Children playing in the living room with their parents during the move
Removals from England to Polandwitamy w Polsce!

Returning to Poland is supposed to be a pleasure – that is why a successful move is worth to be commissioned by Poznan’s Kanguro.With us you can order a private move, but also transfer your home or the whole company to Poland.

We move successfully people, apartments, houses and offices

Who are we? People who have been involved in moving business for 12 years in Europe.We have worked in many companies, we also created our own.Today, we combine our experience into one brand of removal experts – Kanguro.

The most surprising is …no surprises

Successful relocation is one during which nothing have happened. Nothing gets lost, does not fall over, you do not look for boxes during the night.

Kanguro is a professional move that is completely ordinary.

Write to us, when would you like to move?

Date? We are ready. This is professionalism.

Kanguro is more than just a few people with a van.This is a group of experienced professionals with specialist vans, trucks and lots of passion.

Listen to our customers

Why us?

Because we have international experience

  • We have specialised in house, flat and business removals for 12 years.

We often transport clients’ possessions across Europe to bring them back to Poland in a few years’ time.

Because we are versatile

  • We organise removals of almost any scale and to any location in Europe. Our staff speak the languages and have an excellent knowledge of the local area.

We will take care of everything and take care of everything.

Because we keep our word

  • You will quickly see that our reliability is more than just words on a page.

We provide a unique atmosphere of trust and take every order very seriously – because it is yours. Removal is an important thing. We are committed to making sure that everything goes right.

Because Kanguro is moving all over Europe

We are a company with English, German and Polish roots, and we operate from the beginning throughout Europe.We move flats, houses, companies and institutions, traveling between capitals or small cities.Wherever you are, wherever you want to move, you can count on the Kanguro team.Remember not to judge hastily? Before you choose, call:

Kanguro offers low cost removals and man and van moving from any cities in UK to any cities in Poland.

We are moving from UK to all cities and vilages in Poland, the most popular cities our customers are moving are:

Removals to WarsawMan & Van to Warsaw

Warsaw is the capital of Poland, where there are many opportunities to take the path of personal development.

It is a city with a population of 1,790,658.

According to the data, the average rental price of an apartment in Warsaw is PLN 52.77 per square meter, which creates good conditions for safe settlement.

Average earnings in the Warsaw region are about PLN 7,000.

An additional advantage of this city is the possibility of education in renowned universities, Warsaw offers 373 study programs available for the students.

The most appreciated universities in Warsaw are:University of Warsaw, Leon Kozminski Academy, Lazarski University, Technical and Commercial University, etc.

Warsaw is a city of many possibilities, but as any place it has its pros and cons.

The advantage of this city is the rich cultural diversity, so everyone can easily adapt there and meet many interesting people.

Also city has very good public transport and lots of jobs, especially for students. People who like entertainment will surely find themselves there as it is characterized by a huge cultural and entertainment base.

The location of Warsaw allows good access to the rest of the major cities in Poland.

It’s also worth mentioning that life in this place allows anonymity because of the large number of people which could be missing in smaller towns.

To mention the disadvantage of living in this city is the problem of traffic jams, quite expensive life and radiation due to the large amount of electric and magnetic fields.

Removals to KrakowMan & Van to Krakow

Krakow is an attractive place in terms of tourism. As one of the most visited cities in Poland, offers the possibility of running various types of business.

The population is about 779,115 (including 415,628 women).

Renting a flat, e.g. 38-60 m2, is about 2015 PLN. There is a great variety of flats on the market, everyone will find something interesting for themselves.

Job offers are quite affordable, we can expect PLN 4700 as the average proposed earning option.

Krakow is one of the Polish cities to which people from abroad most willingly move. It is characterized by a rich historical heritage and the oldest part of the city has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for over 40 years.

Krakow is an accessible and comfortable city in the field of education and development.

It is worth mentioning that Krakow is a city often chosen by students. The most popular universities are the Jagiellonian University which is the oldest university in Poland. This university educated a lot of outstanding scientists, for example,Mikołaj Kopernik, Jan Kochanowski, Hugo Kołłątaj, Jan III Sobieski and Jan Długosz.

The University of Science and Technology is also a gem among places of education.

Another place worth recommending is the Cracow University of Technology, also the University of Agriculture, University of Economics, Pedagogical University of National Education Commission in Krakow and many others.

One of the serious disadvantages of this city is a lot of pollution about which is quite loud in the media.

Environmental organizations are calling for the factory to be closed. Another downside is also poor transport which is quite burdensome for residents.

Removals to GdanskMan & Van to Gdansk

Gdansk is a city that stands out with its unique arhitector and its beautiful cobbled streets, gothic churches and Orlowo cliffs make this city awe-inspiring. The most appreciated advantage of this place is its seaside location, which is why it is a tourist city and it is said that in 2019 Gdansk was visited by 3.5 million people.

The residents are quite positive about public transport, and the city plans are to implement more and more new amenities.

It is also worth mentioning that the average earnings are PLN 6305 gross and in the national average it is quite positive information. The number of inhabitants is about 471 525 and it is considered to be quite a developed city with many opportunities.

People who want to settle in Gdansk can count on such costs for 38-60 m2, the average rental price is PLN 2437.

History shows that the beginnings of Gdańsk date back to 980. Jan Kanapariusz mentioned in his notes the missionary Wojciech, who baptized and converted the population, which is the first moment when someone mention of Gdansk, or a town on the Moltava River.

The port character of this town contributed to the fact that it is a place of many cultures. For the cause of Duke Swietopelka II he obtained city rights. In 1308, at the request of the castellan Bogusz, the Teutonic Knights came to Gdańsk and at that time there was the so-called “Gdansk massacre”.

The inhabitants of Gdańsk long strived for freedom, while in this period, among others, the Mill, a port building considered one of the most powerful, was built.

After the Battle of Grunwald (1410), the situation has changed and in 1454 Gdansk came under the rule of the Teutonic Knights, the city grew richer by taking over the properties taken over from the Teutonic Knights.

After the Second Partition of Poland, Gdansk experienced inconveniences related to the interference of France, which captured the city and after 1807 Gdansk could have been called a free city.

Unfortunately, this state did not last long, because only until 1814.

After this period, the town experienced a significant economic crisis.

In 1919, Gdansk was renamed a free city managed by the League of Nations. In the 1930s, fascization continues and in 1939 World War II begins, which begins with the shooting of the Polish military crew on Westerplatte.After 1945, Gdansk, practically ruined by the troops of the Second Byelorussian Front and then was rebuilt again in the following years.

After many historical experiences, the inhabitants of the city were perceived as brave and not yielding to captivity.

Gdansk is also known for its rich political activity, including trade unions, the “Solidarnosc” political movement, the Nobel Peace Prize and the president of the Third Commonwealth – Lech Walesa.

It is worth mentioning that the patron of Gdańsk is Saint Wojciech and that it is a city of a European character “without fear, but with caution” as it is described on the city’s coat of arms.

Removals to WroclawMan & Van to Wroclaw

Wroclaw is said to be an attractive city in terms of real estate and the labor market.

If you are looking for a job and a settlement in Wroclaw, you can expect an average earnings in the region of PLN 4,700.

The prices of flats are in the range of PLN 2,103 for 38-60 m2.

Wroclaw is a developing city, you can find there supermarkets with organic food and hand-made products which are very popular.

The number of inhabitants of Wrocław is 630 thousand and as a city it ranks 4th in terms of the number of inhabitants in Poland.

For fans of an active lifestyle, this will be a big advantage that the city is located close to mountain trails where you can also admire the beauty of nature and rest from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The city of Wroclaw is located close to the Mountains:Sowie, Izerskie, Stołowe, Karkonosze, Sudety.

You can say that living in Wroclaw is a good idea as it is beneficial from the perspective of development, low unemployment and wages higher than the national average.

In Wroclaw we will find many opportunities in terms of education, work, entertainment and business.

Several influential companies on the market, such as Mitsubishi, T-Mobile, or IBM, etc., are located here.

The city has its unique atmosphere and charm, which makes it eagerly visited by tourists and people looking for a place to settle.

As everywhere else, we will not miss the subject of the disadvantages of living in Wroclaw.

Unfortunately, residents complain about the problem with traffic jams, broken trams and the problem with the smog.

The city authorities take various actions to remove or eliminate this problem, for example, they organize days without public transport.

Removals to KatowiceMan & Van to Katowice

The number of inhabitants in Katowice reaches 278 thousand and continues to decline, and the area is 164.7 km2.

Katowice is considered to be the most forested city as 42% of the city’s area is covered by forests, which is an information encouraging living for people seeking contact with nature.

Part of the city belongs to the former Silesian Forest, in addition, there are two charming parks in the center.

Kosciuszko Park encourages with its atmospheric character to walks and rest.

There you can come across a 16th century wooden church and a number of beautiful alleys.

The city shows a tendency to develop in terms of business, which is reflected in a change in the overall appearance of the city, the creation of new office buildings allows potential employees to take up new challenges.

Some people view these changes as revolutionary.

Business services, training centers and many other forms of cooperation are an incentive to decide to settle in this city.

There are many places of culture and entertainment in Katowice, such as theaters, museums, libraries, art galleries and music festivals. also good transport.

In the vicinity of the city, there are two airports and two A4 and A1 motorways, enabling comfortable access to cities such as Wroclaw, Warsaw, Lodz, Krakow, Gdansk.

Close to the mountains and for fans of skiing challenges, there is always something special in the Beskidy Mountains.

Unfortunately, the city center is considered not very pleasant, neglected and too covered with blocks of flats.