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An eco-friendly approach to moving house – how to minimise waste?

| Anna |

Moving house is a logistically challenging and often stressful moment, so we don’t always think about its impact on the environment. However, planning your move in an eco-friendly way not only helps to minimise waste, but also saves money and reduces unnecessary items. Here are some practical tips on how to approach your move with care for the environment.

1. Planning a green move – timing and organisation

A sustainable move starts with proper planning. A well-organised process will reduce the use of materials, energy and time.

  • Early preparation – make a plan for your move at least a few weeks in advance. This will give you time to collect recycled materials, choose an eco-friendly moving company or segregate your belongings.
  • Save time and resources – advance planning will reduce the need for quick purchases (e.g. disposable packing materials), which will have a positive impact on both your budget and the amount of waste generated.

2. Selection of items

Before you start packing, do an overview of all your belongings. House removals is the perfect opportunity to get rid of items you no longer use or no longer need. With this:

  • You will reduce the number of items you pack – fewer items means fewer cardboard boxes and packing materials.
  • Make unpacking easier – your new place will already be tidy and free of unnecessary items.
  • You can help others – items in good condition that you don’t need can be donated to local charities, listed on online sales groups or given to friends.

3. Segregating things – the key to minimising waste

One of the most important steps in an eco-friendly move is the proper segregation of belongings.

  • The Zero Waste method – use the Zero Waste approach when selecting things. Anything you don’t need can be given a new life – by selling, donating or recycling.
  • Assign each subject to one of four categories:
  1. Keep – things you need and will take to a new place.
  2. Sell or give away – items that are in good condition but you no longer need.
  3. Recycling – things that can be reused as raw materials (e.g. plastic, paper, glass).
  4. Waste – items that can no longer be used or recycled (be sure to check if you can dispose of them responsibly).

4. Minimising the use of packaging – alternatives to cardboard and film

Packaging is the biggest source of waste when moving house. Here are some ways to reduce it:

  • Reusable containers – plastic boxes or containers for hire are much more environmentally friendly than disposable cardboard boxes. After the move, you return them to the rental company instead of throwing them away.
  • Natural packaging materials – old newspapers, towels, sheets or clothes can be used as an alternative to bubble wrap or wrapping paper.
  • Using what you have – if you have suitcases, shopping bags or even laundry baskets, use them as extra containers. This is a great way to reduce packaging.

Minimise paper consumption

  • Reduce document printing – store scans and photos of documents digitally rather than printing hard copies.
  • Write down your list of things digitally – instead of traditional paper lists of things to pack, use apps or notes on your smartphone.

5. Ecological packaging materials

Instead of buying new cardboard boxes or bubble wrap, opt for more sustainable materials:

  • Second-hand cardboard boxes – look for cardboard boxes in grocery shops, on classifieds sites or in groups on social media. Many people are happy to give away cardboard boxes after their move.
  • Use what you already have – suitcases, sports bags, laundry baskets or even plastic boxes work perfectly as packing containers.
  • Reusable materials – instead of bubble wrap, use materials you already have such as old newspapers, towels, clothes or blankets to protect fragile items.

6. Green removal company – how to choose?

If you use a removal company, pay attention to whether it operates in a sustainable manner.

  • Companies committed to going green – some companies offer removals using low-emission vehicles, use reusable packaging or use sustainable packaging methods.
  • Local removal company – choosing a company in your local area will help reduce the CO2 emissions associated with long-distance transport.

Choosing the right mode of transport when moving is key to reducing your carbon footprint:

  • Use one larger vehicle instead of several smaller ones – you will reduce the number of journeys and therefore emissions.
  • Find a removal company with an eco-friendly approach – some companies specialise in green removals, offering vehicles with lower emissions or using eco-friendly packing materials.
  • Organise the move as a group – if your neighbours or friends are also planning to move at a similar time, you can hire shared transport to reduce the number of journeys.

7. Labelling and organising packages – the key to efficient unpacking

Sensible labelling of parcels can significantly improve the unpacking process and reduce waste.

  • Reusable labels – instead of printing paper labels, use reusable stickers or labels. You can also mark packages with a marker pen directly on the cartons.
  • Grouping things – pack things by category or room to avoid accidentally using multiple packs for one type of item.

8. Minimise the amount of stuff you carry – an environmentally friendly approach to transport

Every transport generates a carbon footprint, so it makes sense to minimise its impact on the environment.

  • Fewer courses – pack so that all your transport can fit into one, maximum two courses. Choose a larger vehicle instead of multiple smaller ones.
  • Carpooling when moving – if several friends or neighbours are also planning to move, organise shared transport to reduce the number of journeys.

9. Recycling of unnecessary items

When moving house, we often come across things we want to throw away, such as old electronics, furniture or used items. Ensure that:

  • Electro-waste has been taken to the appropriate collection points – don’t just throw it in the regular rubbish bin, hand it in at special recycling points.
  • Recycle furniture – many charities accept second-hand furniture that can be refurbished and reused.
  • Segregate your waste – biodegradable waste, paper, plastic or glass should go into the appropriate recycling containers.

10. Removals with the plants

If you have houseplants, moving house can be stressful for them – both because of transport and the change in environment. How do you do it ecologically?

  • Use pots as containers – instead of packing plants in cardboard boxes, secure them in pots, using natural materials such as pieces of cardboard or newspaper to stabilise them during transit.
  • Adapting to the new environment – once you have moved, allow the plants to acclimatise to the new location by taking care of the right humidity and lighting.

11. Care for food responsibly

We often forget about the food supplies we have in the kitchen. However, it is worth ensuring that food is not wasted during the move:

  • Plan your meals a few days before the move – use up the products you have in your fridge or pantry so you don’t have to throw them away.
  • Donate food to others – if you have unopened, long-term food that you don’t intend to take away, donate it to local food banks or those in need.

12. Unpacking – how not to generate additional waste?

Unpacking after a move is a time when a lot of waste is often created. How can this be avoided?

  • Orderly unpacking – unpack by room to put things back in their place straight away. This will avoid clutter and unnecessary throwing away of things.
  • Keep your packing materials – cartons, foil or string that are in good condition, save for the future or give to someone who is planning a move.

13. Cleaning up at the end

It is a good idea to clean your home properly before leaving it. Use for this:

  • Eco-friendly cleaning products – instead of traditional chemical products, choose biodegradable or natural products such as vinegar or baking soda.
  • Microfibre cloths instead of disposable paper towels – these will reduce the amount of waste generated and allow you to use them again and again.

14. Change of address after a move – digital information

Having to communicate a change of address can generate a lot of paper notifications and paperwork. How can this be done in an environmentally friendly way?

  • Send information electronically – instead of paper letters or notifications, communicate a change of address by email.
  • Switch to e-invoices – if you haven’t already done so, switch to e-invoices from service and utility providers. This will significantly reduce the amount of paper you receive.

Ecological removal

Moving with an eco-friendly approach does not have to be difficult or time-consuming – all it takes is awareness and small changes in habits. Taking care to minimise waste, reduce emissions and pack responsibly is not only a benefit to the environment, but also a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Remember that green removals is also an opportunity to inspire others to make conscious choices!