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Ecological approach to removals | How to minimise waste?

Ekologiczne przeprowadzki

Moving is always a big undertaking that can unfortunately generate a lot of waste, from packaging to no longer needed items. Nowadays, with ecology becoming an increasingly important part of our lives, it’s worth considering how you can carry out the process in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Here are some tips on how to minimise the negative impact of moving house on the environment.

1. Planning the move

Good planning is the key to reducing waste. Before you start packing, carefully consider what you actually need to take. Getting rid of unnecessary items not only reduces the number of items to transport, but also avoids packing and transporting things that will eventually be thrown away anyway.

2. Sale, donation or recycling

Before you move, it is a good idea to go through all your belongings and decide what to do with them. You can sell items you no longer need, donate them to those in need or recycle them. By doing so, you not only reduce waste, but also help others.

3. Reusable packaging materials

Instead of using disposable cardboard boxes and bubble wrap, opt for reusable materials. Choose sturdy plastic containers that can be used for storage after the move. Investing in such containers may be a little more expensive, but it is a greener and more economical option in the long term.

4. Eco-cleaning during the move

Use natural cleaning products when cleaning old and new rooms. Reducing cleaning chemicals not only protects the environment, but is also healthier for you and your family.

5. Transport optimisation

Try to organise transport to maximise loading and minimise the number of trips. Effective planning of loading and choosing the right size of vehicle can significantly reduce emissions. If you use a removal company, ask about using alternative fuel vehicles.

6. Digitisation of documents

Instead of carrying around piles of papers, opt to digitise them. Scanning important documents and storing them electronically not only saves space and reduces paper waste, but also makes documents easier to organise and access.

7. Planning the space before the move

Think through the layout of your new home before you move. This will help you avoid unnecessary purchases of furniture and other items that might not fit into your new space. Thoughtful decisions can make a significant difference in reducing waste.

8. Choose a ‘green’ removal company

If you plan to use a removal company, look for one that uses environmentally friendly practices. Some companies offer options such as low-emission transport, use of reusable packaging or recycling programmes. Choosing such a company may be slightly more expensive, but it is an investment in a healthier planet.

9. Minimise energy consumption during the move

During the packaging and the distribution of natural light, if possible. Plan to work during the day to avoid having to use artificial lighting. If you must use lighting, choose LED bulbs, which are more energy efficient.

10. Make use of local resources

Look for local markets or groups on social media platforms where you can donate items you no longer need. Using local resources not only reduces waste, but also supports the local economy and helps build community.

11. Organise an eco-friendly garage sale

Before you move, organise a garage sale to get rid of things you no longer need. This is a great opportunity for items that have lost value to you to find a new home. What’s more, the extra money raised from the sale can help cover some of the costs of moving.

12. Watch out for food

Moving often involves wasting food. Plan your meals in the last few days before the move so that you use as much of the produce you have at home as possible. The freezer is your friend – frozen products can be easily transported to your new location without the risk of spoiling them.

13. Limit travel

If you are moving to a new city, try to organise all your errands, such as viewing your flat or meeting your landlord, in one trip. This way you will reduce the CO2 emissions associated with multiple trips.

Ecological aspects of moving

Adopting these green practices during a move not only contributes to protecting the environment, but also helps to foster a more conscious and responsible lifestyle. Every little change makes a difference, and moving house is the perfect time to start making those changes a reality.