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Moving for seniors | How to organise a move for the elderly?

| Anna |

Przeprowadzka dla seniorów | Jak zorganizować przeprowadzkę dla osób starszych?

Moving later in life can be challenging, both emotionally and logistically. For older people, who often live in one place for many years, a change of environment can be stressful and overwhelming. Therefore, it is important that the moving process for seniors is carefully planned and tailored to their special needs. Here are some tips on how to organise a move for the elderly to make it as smooth as possible..

1. Early planning of the move

  • Start early: The moving process can be time-consuming, so start planning ahead. This avoids the last-minute rush and stress.
  • Create a detailed plan: Set a schedule for the move, with a list of tasks to be completed. Include deadlines, such as sorting things, packing, transporting, as well as unpacking and setting things up in the new place.

2. Support and assistance during the move

  • Involve family and friends: the support of loved ones is invaluable. They can help with packing, organisation and also provide emotional support.
  • Consider hiring professionals: removal companies that specialise in moving for seniors can provide the necessary assistance and experience.

3. Sorting and arranging

  • Deciding what to take: Help the senior go through his or her belongings and decide what is needed in the new place. It is worth bearing in mind the sentimental value of some items.
  • Minimise: Encourage people to get rid of things they no longer need, which can also help to avoid clutter in the new place.

4. Adaptation to special needs

  • Safety and accessibility: Ensure that the new home is safe and adapted to the needs of the older person, e.g. by installing grab rails, non-slip mats, adapting the bathroom.
  • Maintain familiar surroundings: Try to recreate a layout and décor similar to the previous dwelling, which can help make adaptation easier.

5. Health and well-being

  • Take care of your health: moving can be physically demanding, so it is important that seniors do not overload themselves. It is also important to pay attention to their emotional wellbeing.
  • Adjusting healthcare: If the move involves a change of doctor or healthcare facility, it is worth arranging this in advance.

6. Moving day

  • Take it easy: Give your senior time to say goodbye to the old place. The move should not be hurried.
  • Support on moving day: Make sure the senior has someone close by on moving day who can help and support.

7. Adaptation after the move

  • Help with unpacking: Help unpack and set things up to make your new flat a home quickly.
  • Emotional support: Changing environments can be difficult, so it is important to stay in touch and offer emotional support.

8. Preparation of the new site

  • Personalise the space: Encourage the senior to decorate and personalise their new place, which can contribute to feeling ‘at home’ more quickly.
  • Technology and safety: make sure your new flat is equipped with essential technology, such as alarms, motion detectors and phones with large buttons that are senior-friendly.

9. Communication with the community

  • Familiarising the neighbourhood: Help the senior get to know the new neighbourhood by pointing out important places such as shops, pharmacies, clinics, and community meeting places.
  • Maintaining social contacts: Encourage keeping in touch with friends and family, which can help you adapt to your new surroundings.

10. Mental and emotional health

  • Understanding emotions: Moving house can trigger a range of emotions, from sadness to anxiety. It is important to talk about these feelings and accept them as a normal part of the moving process.
  • Access to psychological support: If necessary, provide access to professional psychological support to help the senior adjust to change.

11. Long-term planning of the move

  • Forward thinking: Moving is a good time to consider a senior’s long-term needs, including access to healthcare and support for daily activities.
  • Financial security: Ensure that the senior has financial security for the future, including planning for the costs associated with the new residence.

12. Maintaining independence

  • Keeping active: Encourage the senior to maintain physical and mental activity, which are key to health and well-being.
  • Access to transport: Ensure that the senior has access to public transport or other forms of travel, which is important for maintaining independence.

13. Legal and administrative support after the move

  • Dealing with paperwork: Help the senior citizen with any paperwork related to the move, such as changing address, registering with the new authority or updating documents.
  • Legal advice: Take legal advice if necessary to ensure that all legal issues are dealt with correctly.

Senior citizen relocation

Moving for a senior is a complex process that requires many different aspects to be taken into account. With the right planning and support, you can make the process as stress-free as possible and help your senior make a positive start to a new chapter in their life. Moving for a senior is not only a logistical challenge, but also an important step in their life. By supporting them through the process with care and attention, we can help them make a smooth transition into a new chapter of their lives.