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Removal schedule | When to start preparations?

Czasowy harmonogram przeprowadzki | Kiedy zacząć przygotowania?

Moving is a complex process that requires meticulous planning and organisation. To avoid chaos and stress, it is a good idea to create a detailed schedule of activities. Here is a sample plan to help you prepare for your move step by step.

8 weeks before the move

Do a selection of things: Start with a thorough review of all your belongings. Consider which items you actually want to take with you. Those you no longer need can be sold, recycled or given to friends. This will not only make packing easier, but will also reduce the cost of moving.

Choosing a removal company: Begin your search for a company to handle your move. Ask for quotes from several different providers and carefully analyse what each offers. Make sure the company is insured and has positive reviews. Ask for quotes from several companies, compare quotes and decide which option is best for you.

6 weeks before the move

Plan the logistics: If you are moving to another city or country, book plane tickets or organise other means of transport. Make sure all dates are in sync with your move date.

Information on change of address: Notify the relevant institutions (e.g. bank, workplaces, children’s schools) of your change of address.

4 weeks before the move

Start packing: Use this time to pack things you don’t use every day. Properly labelled and organised boxes will make unpacking in your new home much easier. Start with items you rarely use. Remember to label each box as this will make unpacking much easier after the move.

Settle the paperwork: Make sure all the paperwork for the lease or sale of both the old and new flat is settled. Check that all lease or sale agreements (old and new flat) are ready and signed.

2 weeks before the move

Packing most things: This is a good time to pack most of your belongings. Leave only the essential items you will need until the last minute.

Confirm removal details: Contact the removal company to confirm all the details – date, time, address of your new home, and other arrangements.

The week before the move

Final preparations: Pack your personal belongings such as documents, jewellery or other valuables that you intend to transport yourself and that you will take with you. Check that all equipment is ready for transport (e.g. electricity, water disconnected).

Preparing the new flat: If possible, try to organise a general cleaning of the new flat before the move.

The day before the move

Survival pack: Pack a separate bag with essentials for the first few days after the move (clothes, hygiene products, chargers, necessary tools, etc.).

Rest: Try to get a good night’s rest before moving day. moving is a physically demanding event, so try to get good rest before the day.

Moving day

Coordinate the work: Make sure you are there when the removal company arrives to manage the process and resolve ongoing issues. Be available on the day of the move to oversee loading and unloading, and to make sure everything goes according to plan.

Last check: Before leaving the old flat, carry out a final check – that nothing has been forgotten, that all lights are off, and that the doors are locked.

International removals

Preparing a solid schedule and planning each step in advance is key to avoiding unnecessary stress during the move. Following this timetable can significantly reduce the stress of moving and help to make the transition to your new home a smooth one. Remember that planning and organisation is key – the earlier you start, the easier it will be to control the whole process.