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Social integration | How to integrate after moving to Germany?

| Anna |

Removals to Germany

Social integration in a new country is a process that can take time, patience and commitment. Here are some tips on how to integrate socially after moving to Germany.

Learning the German language

This is a key step in integrating in Germany. Start learning the language even before you move, and join language courses once you arrive. Speaking German will make it easier to make contacts and understand the culture.

Achieve fluency in German

Language tandem

Team up with a German-speaker who wants to learn your mother tongue. This allows both parties to practice the language in real-life situations.

Language learning apps

Use tools such as Duolingo, Babbel or Rosetta Stone to practice every day.

German festivals and holidays

Germany is known for its various festivals, such as Oktoberfest, Weihnachtsmärkte (Christmas markets) and Karneval. Attending these events will give you an understanding of the German language, culture and traditions.

How do you cope after moving to Germany?

Look for places where people speak your native language. Although learning German is crucial, sometimes you may miss conversations in your native language. The big cities in Germany have many places where people of different nationalities meet.
Integration in a new country is a process that takes time. The key is to be active, be open to new experiences and people and be willing to learn and adapt.

Take part in local events and groups

Sign up for sports, clubs or other interest groups to meet local people and integrate into the local community.

Get to know German culture

Understanding German culture and customs will help you to better acclimatise to your new surroundings. Read books, watch films and participate in cultural events.

Understanding culture after moving to Germany

Media in Germany

Watch German news, films and series to better understand the culture and society.

German literature

Read books by German authors or publications on German history and culture.

Understanding the German way of life


Germans value punctuality. Try to always be on time.

Personal space

Germans value their privacy and personal space. Try to be discreet and respect other people’s boundaries.

Accept invitations from Germans

If you are invited to a party, dinner or other gathering, try to attend. This is a great opportunity to make new friends.

Integrate with your neighbours

Welcome your neighbours, exchange small gifts or baked goods. It’s 
an easy way to establish friendly relations.

Be open and patient

Integrating in a new country is a challenge. You may encounter various difficulties, but it is important to be open to new experiences and people.

Be active in the local community

Get involved in activities in the local community. This could be helping out at a local animal shelter, participating in community projects or working in a community garden.

Understand local rules and regulations

It is a good idea to know German laws and regulations that apply to everyday life, such as waste segregation, traffic regulations, etc.

Be active in German organisations and associations

You can join organisations that work to integrate immigrants or offer support to new residents.

Take part in integration courses

Many new immigrants take advantage of integration courses offered by German institutions. These courses include learning the language, culture and history of Germany.

Professional integration

Attending professional meetings and conferences can help you make professional contacts. If you are just starting your career in Germany, an internship or apprenticeship can be a great way to gain experience and make contacts.


If you have children, enrolling them in a German school will not only be beneficial for their education, but will also help integrate the whole family.
Remember that integration is a process that takes time and commitment. You may encounter difficulties at first, but over time you will feel more integrated and acclimatised to German society.

Use social media

There are many groups on social media platforms for expats in Germany. By joining these, you can meet other people in a similar situation and get advice about life in Germany.