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The most common problems associated with international removals

| Anna |

The most common problems associated with international relocation

1. Costs

Moving internationally can be expensive, so think carefully about all expenses, including transport, insurance, customs and other fees. 

The cost of an international move depends on a number of factors, such as the distance, the number and size of items being moved and the type of transport.

2. Customs restrictions

An international move requires proper preparation of all documents and notification of any items to be transported. It is important to check that the items can be transported to the new country and that they comply with its customs regulations. 

Here is a list of things to keep in mind:

⁃ present documents proving that the items have been legally exported before crossing the border;

⁃ the removal should be reported to customs in good time, before crossing the border;

⁃ all international shipments are subject to customs control and are required to comply with international removal regulations;

⁃ all international shipments require a customs declaration;

⁃ items with a value over the equivalent of €1,000 must be declared to customs;

⁃ it is necessary to present documents proving the legality of importing items;

⁃ the imported items may be subject to customs control;

⁃ payment of customs duties or other fees may be required for international removals;

⁃ the move must comply with the applicable regulations for international removals;

⁃ before making an international move, contact customs for information on the regulations to be followed.

3. Loss of items

Moving internationally can be time-consuming and requires special care. 

Read how to prevent loss or damage to items in transit:

⁃ check that all items are well packed; 

⁃ protect sensitive items from damage, e.g. with bubble foam or fillers; 

⁃ check that the cardboard box is sufficiently reinforced to survive transportation; 

⁃ secure the cartons so that nobody can open them, e.g. with adhesive tape; 

⁃ secure furniture and bulky items, e.g. with stretch film; 

⁃ place particularly valuable items in the carrier’s car; 

⁃ check that all items are on the list and that all documents are in order; 

⁃ check that all items are properly secured on pallets or in containers; 

⁃ make sure all the necessary information is filled in before sending the documents; 

⁃ ensure that all customs regulations have been met and that all documents comply with the requirements.

4. Change of address

An international move requires a change of address, as well as updating the details of all institutions with which you are registered, such as banks, insurers and tax authorities. 

To change your address if you are moving internationally, you will need to contact the relevant foreigners’ office in your destination country. You will usually be required to provide the relevant documents, such as your passport, visa, residence permit or other documents proving that you are registered at your new place of residence. Once your new address is accepted by the authorities, you can register it in your country of origin. Please note that if you move internationally, you will also need to register your new address with the relevant authorities, such as the tax office, the statistical office and your insurer.

5. Change of language

If you are planning an international move, changing the language can be a challenge. However, this depends on which country you are moving to. Most countries offer language training to help you pick up the new language quickly. You can take a language course to learn the basics of the language before you leave. Also, friends, neighbours and colleagues can be helpful in learning the language. Ask them to help you learn a new language and they will be happy to help you. You can also use computer programmes and language apps to quickly gain knowledge of the language. You can also use a translator to understand content that is not available in your mother tongue. Finally, you can learn a new language by watching films, listening to radio programmes or reading books in the language you want to learn. It may be difficult at first, but over time you will speak the new language as spoken by native speakers.