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Removals to Germany, what does it involve and how do I prepare for it?

Moving to Germany

Moving to another country, such as Germany, requires proper planning and preparation.
Here are some steps to take before, during and after the remove:

Before the move:

1. Research visa and permit requirements

Check whether you need a visa, work permit or other documents to legally stay and work in Germany. Contact the German consulate in your country for more information.

2. Organise your documents

Prepare all your important documents such as your passport, diplomas, employment history, etc. Copy them and keep them in a safe place.

3. Find accommodation

Finding a suitable place to live before you remove is important. Browse properties, use property portals, or hire a realtor or estate agency to help you find suitable accommodation.

When moving house:

1. Pack up

Start packing your belongings early to avoid last-minute stress. Determine what you want to take with you and what you want to leave behind. Make sure you have the right boxes, cardboard boxes, tape, etc.

2. Make transport arrangements

Contact transport companies to compare prices and services. Make sure they have experience in international removals and cargo insurance. Book a date to transport your belongings.

3. Break subscriptions and close accounts

Contact your service providers, such as gas, electricity, internet, TV, telephone, etc., to break their contracts or transfer them to a new address in Germany. Also close your bank accounts if necessary.

After the move:

1. Register with the municipal authorities

When you arrive in Germany, you will need to register your new address with the local authority. Make sure you have all the required documents with you, such as your tenancy agreement, proof of identity, etc.

2. Open a bank account

Find local banks and open a bank account. This will make it easier for you to make payments and transactions on a daily basis.

3. Establish new insurances

Contact your insurer to determine the appropriate insurance policies in Germany, such as health insurance, third-party liability insurance, etc.

4. Learn the language

Although it is not absolutely necessary, it is worth making the effort to learn basic phrases in German. This will help you in everyday situations and integrate into the local community.

Moving to Germany

Remember that every remove is different, so it is important to adapt these steps to your specific situation. Proper planning and organisation will help you to minimise the stress of the remove and acclimatise to your new country more easily.