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What are the benefits of participating in local support groups and associations after a move?

| Anna |

What are the benefits of participating in local support groups and associations after a move?

Language development

Participation in support groups offering language courses allows language skills to be improved in real, everyday situations. Often a more informal environment than in a traditional classroom promotes faster language acquisition.

Emotional support after moving to another country

Being away from home and family can be emotionally difficult. In support groups you can find people who are going through similar experiences, and sharing feelings and problems together can bring relief.

Help with finding a job after a move

Some associations offer workshops on the German labour market, CV writing or preparing for a job interview for people who have moved. They also have information about local job opportunities.

Cultural integration

Participating in cultural events organised by associations helps you to understand German customs, traditions and holidays. It gives you the opportunity to experience the culture first-hand.


New acquaintances are not only potential friendships, but also professional contacts. In many industries, who you know is just as important as what you know.

Help with paperwork during the move

New immigrants often encounter difficulties with bureaucracy. Support groups can help you understand the required documents, deadlines and processes.

How do I find the right association or support group?

Local authority (Rathaus)

Local offices often have information on organisations and associations for immigrants.


City libraries often organise events for immigrants and may have information on local support groups.


A search for support groups in a specific town or for a specific nationality can yield many results. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, often have dedicated groups for immigrants in Germany.

Talk to people

Sometimes the best source of information is other immigrants who have already lived in Germany for longer. They may be able to recommend specific organisations or groups to you.

Moving to another country

For many people, the immigration experience is a challenging time. However, with the right support and resources, the move can become much easier and more rewarding.