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Author: Anna

What are the benefits of participating in local support groups and associations after a move?

What are the benefits of participating in local support groups and associations after a move?

Language development Participation in support groups offering language courses allows language skills to be improved in real, everyday situations. Often a more informal environment than in a traditional classroom promotes faster language acquisition. Emotional support after moving to another country Being away from...

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Moving house and emotional aspects | How to deal with feelings of nostalgia, separation from loved ones and adaptation to a new environment?

Moving house and settling into a new place often involves a mixture of excitement, anxiety, nostalgia and feelings of separation from loved ones. Such feelings are natural and can arise at different times, especially when the move has occurred to a significantly distant place or is culturally different. How to deal with...

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Moving to Germany | Differences between the legal system in Germany and Poland?

The legal systems of Germany and Poland have their roots in the tradition of continental law, but some differences have developed over the years due to history, culture and other factors. Here are some key differences between the German and Polish legal systems. Constitution Germany: the German Constitution, known...

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How do I find accommodation when moving to Germany? | Differences between renting and buying a flat

Finding a flat in Germany after a move can take some time and effort, but it is a process that can be organised wisely. Below you will find some steps and tips for renting and buying a flat in Germany. Where to find a flat in Germany? Online portals Many people who want removals are looking for flats on popular...

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