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Author: Monika Kraska

How to move with your plants

Plants are elements that can transform the face of any interior. Their beautiful appearance is often the result of proper care and time spent on them – so it’s no wonder that many people become attached to their plants. While facing a removal, a riddle arises: what to do to ensure that the specimens we have...

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Office move – how to prepare?

Companies decide to move for many reasons. It may be the need for a better location, more space, or simply the need for change. Unfortunately, relocating a company’s headquarters is quite an ambitious undertaking, requiring very good work organization. Not everyone realizes how many things need to be taken into...

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Removal: self-packing or with professionals?

Possession packing is an integral part of any move. It is also one of the most time-consuming stages of the entire process – it can take up to several days before we pack all the furniture, equipment, and items. There are two options: take care of everything by ourselves, or outsource the packing to a professional...

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What to do with belongings when moving? – Storage

Moving is a rather complex process that needs to be planned well in advance so that it can go properly. Sometimes it happens that we have to move into a new apartment before the renovation is finished. Taking all the furniture and items with us in such a case misses the point, as it would only hinder the renovation...

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Moving with a pet – everything you need to know

Removals can be stressful – most people know this. Unfortunately, pets can react to the whole situation even more emotionally than their owners. Our pets find it difficult to leave the places they are used to, they also find it hard to adapt to the new environment. In the article below, we present a handful of...

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Most common moving mistakes

Moving can sometimes be stressful. The whole event, without proper preparation, may not go as we would like. Making mistakes during the move can result in additional costs, wasted time, and nervous situations. To avoid these problems, here’s a list of the most common mistakes that can be made during a move. ...

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